October 5th, 2002
I saw some heavy set females working at the See's Candy at the mall and this one clicked in my head. Easy peasy. :)

October 4th, 2002
Somewhat inspired by the kinds of haircuts I get. I'm usually one who chooses crewcuts, and when my hair starts to barely tough my ears, it's time for another haircut. Some people however have told me that my hair is still short when I get my hair cut again. Sla.

October 1st, 2002
Nick15.com is being weird right now because my internet connection to it is slow for some God awful reason.

This comic was probably the epideme of my recent depression. Interesting though, no? Fear not, the comics after this one will be a little less depression and weird. Well... maybe just less depressing. :)

September 30th, 2002
Yes, Nick15 is really joking. He doesn't mean what he said.

September 28th, 2002
There's a few more of these type of comics... I made a few of them a few days back. I was feeling pretty down for a while... This is the plight of the broke artist. Deal with it. ;)

Today's comic however brings up a valuable point; Never say you have it bad, because someone else has it worse. Don't like that fact? Tough shit.

September 26th, 2002
Some more stupid questions I get asked. Although not exactly work related.

On an unrelated note... I will be accepting handouts soon, in the form of PayPal. :)

September 25th, 2002
Those two I'm Screw'd comics disappeared... I wonder why?

In other news, The BOH will stick to Nick15 comics for now. I just realized that my life is more interesting than some people I made up. Pity. The next "off-shot" comic will be Fanboys, Fangirls, Otaku!, but I'm a few years from doing that.

September 15th, 2002
.... [grumble] OK, the reason comics haven't been up lately is because the scanner computer decided to go kaput on me, and so I've been without a scanner for a couple of weeks. I'm STILL trying to get the damn thing running, through no avail. :-\ Soon though... hopefully by Monday, I'll have it all fixed and ready to go. But you know how my promices are... I never follow through. :P

On a stranger note.... this site seems to be getting more hits when I DON'T update than when I do. Too weird.

September 4th, 2002
Long story on why I haven't updated in a week. Me no care to tell. Enjoy today's comic, you leeches.

August 26th, 2002
Mmmmmm... OK. I'm Screw'd gets a fresh start and goes daily now. Well, semi-daily. Sort of. Whatever.

August 23rd, 2002
Sorry 'bout the lack of honest updates... if you didn't know, I've been kinda sick. Anyway, I'll make it up to you next week, I'll see about updating more than 3 days to make up for this week. Mmmmkay?

August 19th, 2002
Don't worry about Nick. If he's anything like me, he'll be back on Wednesday.

August 16th, 2002
Monday will have some new comics. Yippie! Although there'll be a minor change in format... this comic will turn into an updated-only-3-times-a-week comic over whatever it was before. I'm trying to spread my time between this and a few other projects. Oh well.

So check out new comics every Monday-Wednesday-Friday for a while....

August 13th, 2002
Check it out... The BOH Version 3 is up already. Mwhahahaha! Give it maybe a day or two for me to get the ball rolling on new comics. Also take note at Nick15's new look. No more military shirts for him, it's now the early 1950's and he's settling down in Suburban America. Good times.

July 15, 2002:
Holy shit... they're bringing back my old Transformers. The OLD Transformers. I will devote all my money to rebuilding the childhood I never had by buying all the Transformers my parents never bought me when I was a kid. Good times.

July 14, 2002:
At work, items scanned into the register are in fact sent to the reorder computer. That way, said item can be reordered automatically. But because of which, different items need to be scanned different... so if I had 30 Jell-O of various flavors, I wouldn't type "30 times" and scan in an Orange (because then the reorder computer would order 30 oranges and no cherry or lime). Therefore I'd have to seperate the flavors and type in say "10 times" orange, "13 times" cherry, and so on. Get it?

Now no, this customer isn't retarded. He (who really was a she in real life) felt it was necessary to state that he was buying 30 tubes of toothpaste, repeatedly. Only problem was, as I in real life was trying to explain, is that first of all I know, secondly that I'd have to seperate the toothpaste by brand and/or flavor so that the reorder computer can reorder toothpaste properly... and thirdly that I already know. But never considering that the words that came out of my mouth might actually mean something, the customer kept on stating that he/she was buying 30 toothpaste... and rather consistantly and firmly, as if I wasn't paying attention. People like that need to be put to sleep.

And yes, I still do get people showing off how well they can read by telling me the price of the tiem, even though the computer tells me the same thing. "Save your breath you little shit, I don't want to hear it." is what I'd say.

Oh, and on a unrelated note: I actually was able to pull THIS off at work last night. :) Got a free lotto ticket, no biggy... but from now on, no one will win if they ask me if they won.

July 13, 2002:
It's bad to hate one group of people, but OK to hate ALL groups of people? And it's OK to do random screenings of grandmas and children at airports, but not OK to use profiling of people who look like they can do more harm than a kid? I don't get it. [explodes]

July 11, 2002:
Get it? The dude is wishing that people would treat him like hell! And I made the mistake of making it a Nick15 comic even though it doesn't star him. Weird little booboo there. :)

On a seperately unrelated side note: I think it's right time for a Book of Huzzah update. I've decided to stick to doing stupid funny shit for a while, and then switch to more serious works as times goes on (and as I get more popular). So Skyhowl Legacy will be put on the backburner.... like I'm Screw'd and about five other ideas. Maybe I'll work on it as a PHYSICAL comic series over a web comic series (since there aren't many serious [as in not humor based] web comics out there). So..... next up on the agenda besides stupid funny shit is Fanboys, Fangirls, OTAKU!. I'll figure something out for that, I might instead make it non-Keenspace thing. I dunno.

July 9, 2002:
I don't get it.... they have me do all the ATM work for them while they walk out the store triumphant of the fact that they own an ATM card. Whoopty shit. Pity they aren't triumphant of the fact that they can't follow simple instructions.

July 8, 2002:
Fuck it all.

July 7, 2002:
Late update, but oh well. This one is weird. Right? (@_@)

July 6, 2002:
Yes, not only does the bitch not believe me that we have no pasta, but she has the balls to ask OTHER people if we have any pasta, only to come back to me and ask. The response I gave her is something I wish I could do... but I have to be this model employee and whatnot.

Technically, this didn't happen with pasta, but some other lady who wanted some placemats. She found 1, and wanted more. I told her we didn't have any. She asked around, and came back to me and asked again. [blinks] What really doesn't do my sanity any good is that she originally asked someone else before she got to me the first time, and then came around and asked me again. STUPID BITCH!

I don't get it... why does nature allow dumb people to live and smart people to die? Natural selection, sadly, doesn't seem to work for humans.

July 4, 2002:
Actually, I decided to take today to celebrate the birth of this great nation. Give your thanks to the millions of people who've laid down their lives in order for you to be free to read this in ENGLISH and not say German, Japanese, Russian, or not at all. Good times.

TOMORROW'S comic will be part two of yesterday's. Sowwy.

July 3, 2002:
Today's comic is about customers who get pissed off at me for letting other customers buy all the sale items and not saving any of it JUST for that particular customer. I'm such a bad bad employee! ... The "you should have bought MORE to cover your asses" is a direct quote from one of these assholes (although the exact situation was over a 12 pack of beer that other people bought and she didn't).

Tomorrow's comic will actually be part two of this particular comic. :) And Good Lord, how I just WISH I'm allowed to be sarcastic to customers. That would make my day go by SO smoothly. :)

July 2, 2002:
Sense? No thanks.

June 30, 2002:
More fun at work. Adventures in Customers Who CAN'T READ THE FUCKING SIGNS CORRECTLY! They see one thing and for some God damned reason, they think it automatically applies to other thing. Either that, or they lie and make a fuss just for us "stupid" cashiers to say "OK, shut up and I'll give it to you at that price." Idiots.

June 28, 2002:
This is a fairly common occurance at work. First, people choose to take stuff from the back of what I stock because it's "fresher" back there. Yeah. Then you have people not buying dented flour or a dented tin of beans. ... How can you dent flour?

And if you didn't figure it out yet, it's NOT fresher in the back. I stock the shelves all at the same time. It's not like they automatically expire if they're in the front, people. Idiots.

Don't bother mentioning that salt doesn't expire.

June 27, 2002:
Never draw on a deadline. NEVER.

June 26, 2002:
Snatch is a good movie. Although it has nothing to do with today's strip.

June 25, 2002:
I think I'll just do weird comics this week.

June 23, 2002:
Enjoy a week of Nick15 until I go back to something else. Good times.

So what's the point of today's comic? Utter randomness. No point.

June 22, 2002:
OK, I've updated. Actually the last two SL comics (#19 and #20) were squished into one, only because I can't get around Keenspace's lack of SSI. Meh.

And actually next week will be Nick15 comics, because I get bored of doing the same thing very easily. Oh well.

June 21, 2002:
I spoke too soon. I'll make it up to you tomorrow, when I'll have 2 comics (one labeled for today, on labled for tomorrow). And I'll squeeze a Nick15 comic in as well.

June 19, 2002:
Another day of updates! I'm on a roll here. I wonder how long this'll last though.

I spotted a small error; the Leader is not a sticker for order, but stickler for order. Eeep!

June 18, 2002:
If you didn't figure it out already, the men in the uniforms are the Elven Military Police. Something fishy with all this Orc business....

Don't like my serious comics? Tough shit until Saturday.

June 17, 2002:
I colored it to make up for shitty artwork and jittery flow. Sla. ... I hve Skyhowl Legacy comics lined up for the next two weeks (with Nick15 comics on the weekends), along with a special sneak preview of Martian Uprising, so don't go anywhere! (God, I love switching genre's on you poor poor readers.)

June 16, 2002:
Another comic I did at work. And the last Nick15 one for a long while. Sorry folks, them's the plan.

Anyway, this one is about lotto players and how dumb they are. They can see the ticket in the Scratcher machine, they can read the rules, yet they don't know how to play or know if they won. I've had a number of people ask me if they won, when it is pretty fucking obvious that they didn't (or did). Now if I wasn't an honest person, I really would keep winning tickets and tell them that they didn't win. Tough shit for them if they don't know how to play the fucking game.

June 14, 2002:
The BOH is back in full swing at Keenspace. Good times. I also added a bit of fan art. Good times.

Today's comic was something I did in about 5 minutes, ironing out probably most of the reasons why I don't care for relationships, at least not at this point in my life.

May 9th, 2002:
One of those blood donation-o-mobile was at school today, and this was the first thing that popped into my head.

May 8th, 2002:
You know how those Chinese kids are like... they're hard working and good at math. I'll bet they beat up any of their chums who don't talk about math all the time.

(This coming from an as-brainy Korean student.)

April 27th, 2002:
This was actually made the night before. I found a small black pen and drew this one up. Good times. ... I like box cutters. :)

April 26th, 2002:
I forgot my black gel pen at home, so I used the closest thing I could get my hands on; a red sharpie. Good times.

Oh, and the BOH celebrates it's 50th comic. More comics to come, boulies!

April 25th, 2002:
Just somethin' to think about...

April 24th, 2002:
This is a little limerick I learned when I was a small little lad. The dicks and the titties are in there for comedy value; You can to this limerick without having to actually show your bits and pieces. :)

April 22th, 2002:
Ah, more stupid lottery-related shit to ammuse you. This time it's all the stupid things people do with their lotto tickets. Then they have the sheer balls to ask me why the lotto computer doesn't work.

April 19th, 2002:
Anti-War Man makes a comeback.

Ever notice how anti-war protests are all done here? And they involve nothing more than parading down the street? Why not send a letter to your congressman? They represent YOU, you know. And don't give me any of that "no they don't" bull shit, because they do. ... More importantly, why do all these protests take place here in the US where they're almost ineffective against the whole ordeal?

More to the point, ever notice how most of these protest rallies are filled to the brim with nothing but a bunch of middle-class white folk? I mean I saw the Palistinian rally at school and it was nothing but whities. I even saw a few Asian kids wearing a middle-eastern getup showing things like "Free Palistine" and whatnot. [blink] Uhm... What's an Asian kid doing in the middle of all this? ... I also saw posters comparing the Israelites to the Nazis (one not unlike the poster Anti-War Man is holding). Uhm... why?

The moral of this story is "Stick to politics that actually involve YOU."

April 18th, 2002:
This is just about all the small little things people have done to me over my time at Longs. The first frame (the de-magnatized one) happened to me just yesterday the 17th.

April 17th, 2002:
If you haven't realized it by now; after dealing with about a million customers over the past 6 months working at Longs, it's the ones who give you a song and a dance over whatever which really piss you off. Good customers are the ones who pay for their shit and leave. Annoying-as-fuck customers (like the two today) piss and moan over the simplest of things. I look over a $50 to see if it's not fake and that fat bitch is angry because I did. WHY THE FUCK!? I ask for ID for credic card purchases just to see if the card isn't stolen and that dumb bitch pisses and moans because she had to pull out their ID. WHY THE FUCK?!? Don't these people fucking realize that I'm trying to save the company (and them) from people stealing goods? As for the ID lady, what does she have to hide by not showing me her fucking ID? Her address? Weight? Maybe her sex. I mean if she was such a privacy freak, WHY THE FUCK WAS SHE BUYING SOMETHING WITH HER CREDIT CARD?! You just KNOW the evil corporations know what you buy if you use a credit card! Fucking bitch. .... And these are just two examples of people who fuck up the works.

Tip for you; If you're at a store, just pay for your shit and LEAVE. The cashier doesn't like you holding up the line, so get the fuck out of the way for the next customer before the cashier kicks the shit out of you.

And yeah, the privacy bitch really did compare Longs with the Nazi Gestapo. What a fucking cunt. (Phew, I'm glad to get that all off my chest.)

April 16th, 2002:
Poster idea for school. And by school I mean I'm probably going to print out like 100 of these and post them around State.

BTW, no offence to anyone who's actually involved in this thing, but unlike the internet, the world isn't close. The US needs to stay out of the Israeli-Palistinian war, because if the US choose sides, then there'll be a shitload of angry US citizens. Hell, there's angry US citizens and the US Gov't hasn't even chosen a side.

April 15th, 2002:
I really do have nothin'.

April 13th, 2002:
Yippie! Nick15's 25th comic itself. Good times.

BTW, keep visiting the BOH over the next two months; I plan on updating every single day, come hell or high water. I've also got my first Martian Uprising comic in the works. You'll like it. :)

April 11th, 2002:
A touchy subject dealt Nick15 style. It's also the first of some unrelated, one-shot comics I would stuff in the Index.

April 10th, 2002:
Didn't feel like updating last night. Blah. I have a few good comics this week and so forth. ... BTW, this is another comic I did at work, using only the materials at hand (my pen and a brown paper bag).

April 8th, 2002:
It's fun week at the BOH. Only because I don't have any comics to share with you. Sla.

April 7th, 2002:
The BOH has a forum. A shitty forum. Visit it. All 10 of you.

April 6th, 2002:
I've got an idea! Since my comics have a wide range of appeals (Nick15 for comedy value, Skyhowl Legacy for it's storytelling features), I've sort of decided to maybe alternate the comics a bit. This means maybe like every other week is a Nick15 week and Skyhowl week. That way people aren't too burned out of one title. Not that I'll stick to actually making 6 of one comic one week and 6 of the other the other week, I'll just alternate priorities a bit every other week. At least it'll give me a good excuse as to why I don't have SL stuff inked. Good times.

Oh, also check out the news; I've archived everything before March.

April 5th, 2002:
Orc make their first, but not last appearance today. Tip for anyone reading... never make comics if you have a headache. Barf.

April 4th, 2002:
Yeah, I was sleepy yesterday. Blah. ... This comic also introduces just about the rest of the world to you, the viewer. Gone is the lush forests and castles seen in various other fantasy comic words. In are vast cities and highways, evidence of 2,000 years of evolution after the medieval times. Good times.

April 2th, 2002:
Don't go anywhere, I have Skyhowl Legacy comic all this week and next. Boo yah!

April 1th, 2002:
I should have taken the extra 4 minutes and reversed the whole site. Oh well.

March 31th, 2002:
Don't worry, it's not because I don't have SL up. Today I had something planned, but then I didn't have time to do it. So you get this. Be sure to be here tomorrow though.

March 30th, 2002:
Crap. Spring break is over. Sort of. And by the way, more Skyhowl Legacy will be up on Tuesday... because I'm going to use tomorrow and Monday for something special.

March 29th, 2002:
Yay! Skyhowl Legacy is back! I've got a long way to go with this series though... good times.

March 28th, 2002:
Fuck it. I'm tired of this comic line. Tomorrow; Skyhowl Legacy.

March 27th, 2002:
I'm tired of coloring this damn comic.

March 25th, 2002:
So I didn't update for 4 days. Oh well. I will though all this week, it's Spring Break! Huzzah.

March 21th, 2002:
The Book of Huzzah celebrates its 26th official comic! Good times.

BTW, by this time next week, Skyhowl Legacy will start up again. I'm getting tired of making Nick15 comics and need a change. (God bless the concept of different series I could work on).

March 20th, 2002:
Dah. Knock on wood; I wasn't feeling too good yesterday, so I didn't make a comic. Oh well. By the way... The Book of Huzzah celebrates its 25th official comic! Whooo!

March 18th, 2002:
I'm on a roll! .... Don't get today's comic? Don't worry, neither do I.

March 16th, 2002:
This is my weekend teaser comic, just to give you insight into what next week will be about. Oh, and just for reference, I live in black and white but dream in color. What sort of symbolic artsy bullshit is that? Hell if I know.

March 15th, 2002:
Good times.

March 14th, 2002:
OK, so today's comic is a bit late. Boo hoo hoo.

As you can tell, Skyhowl Legacy is taking a small break, right now I'm busy inking them comics. It's a little harder to do than the NIck15 comics, which are just pencil sketches.

Oh and you won't want to miss next week's comics. They'll be somewhat weird.

March 13th, 2002:
Good times. Die PeTA, die. If you don't know, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA) are a bunch of kooks who actually do more harm to humans than help to animals. Can you believe one of their bright ideas was "Got Beer?" (the believed that drinking beer is more healthy than drinking milk)? Idiots.

BTW, PeTA Man is skinny on purpose; all the years of eating just veggies and taking dietary suplements made him as skinny as a... stick boy. Maybe I'll have an episode of him getting mono or something.

March 12th, 2002:
More Nick15-y goodness. It's one of my spare one-liner comics, only because I didn't get a chance to scan and edit my other good one (which will appear tomorrow though).

March 11th, 2002:
The moral of today's comic is: "Support our troops in Afghanistan and elsewhere! There's a good reason we're fighting back, and no anti-war protest will solve anything." Yup.

March 3rd, 2002:
OK, I'm done with what I have to do. Now it's time to work on comics! Good times.

January 20th, 2002:
Wow, I finally updated. Huzzah! .... This is yet another thing that happened to me at work. Yesterday actually. I actually drew this one at work too (note the use of a paper bag as my canvas). Good times.

More comics are on their way... but I've been a bit side tracked with a few other priorities and haven't had much time to spend on drawing comics (damn!).

January 1st, 2002:
Yes, I know I'm way behind on work and comics and whatnot. What do you expect on the New Year's weekend? I'm sure you had stuff you needed to do too. .... Stick around, I'll eventually have the last few days worth of comics up.

December 28th, 2001:
This is all I can manage for today. Come tomorrow for TWO new comics. Huzzah!

December 27th, 2001:
Uhm.... I have to UL the comic. Enjoy this new (half-done) intro image for Skyhowl Legacy.

December 26th, 2001:
Yup, new comic up today. So it's a bit late. Sue me if I wanted to get an iPod (which I was able to get, good times).

December 25th, 2001:
Huzzah! The back breaking pain of having-to-work-and-not-have-time-to-make-new-comics is finally over! At last I can make new comics for you to enjoy.

Stick around today, I may have some new comics to show you.

[Update] OK, second comic of the day has been posted. BTW, I decided to give Nolet a bit of fix, particularly on his hair. It's now 47% less scribbly.

December 18th, 2001:
Yeah, I'm going to stick with making Nick15 comics this week, as I don't have the time this week to ink and publish daily Skyhowl Legacy episodes. But next Tuesday, SL will be back, so don't fret.

Old skool Bwow fans might recognize today's comic. Good times.

December 17th, 2001:
This week might be tough for me to get comics online... considering that except for Tuesday and Saturday, I have work. It wouldn't be too much of a problem, except that in those days, I work from 2:30 PM to 11:30... and I'm too pooped to draw at midnight. Hmmmmm....

Although at least it'll help give me some more stuff to write about on my weekend comics. This weekend will be another installment of the Shot I deal with at work, which will be a good one. Good times.

And I still smeggin' hate sprite comics.

December 15th, 2001:
I don't care if I didn't update yesterday, So now today you get two new comics.

December 13th, 2001:
Ok, I know the story is going a bit slow... but I'm no master at starting comics from scratch. I just know how to end them. ... Sit tight though, the good bits are still to come (I'm on comic number 21 right now, even though I still have to ink and scan number 6.)

December 12th, 2001:
Alright! Three says in a row... hopefully I can keep this up for the rest of the week (and month, and year!)

December 10th, 2001:
Well, today's the first issue of the rest of my life. Skyhowl Legacy begins today, and for the next year or two, will be updated in a fairly regular basis. Good times.

So what is SL about? Check out the Books section for more info!

December 5th, 2001:
I hate sprite comics.

November 29th, 2001:
Huzzah! The Book of Huzzah is up and running. Check here for daily comics and junk. Soon however it'll be moving to a Keenspace account.... provided that they'll get to it in the first place. ... But for now, enjoy the BoH while it's here at Nick15.com.

By the way, this site is running on the bare minimum of stuff. There's hardly anything right now, but keep an eye out as this site will be updated daily after today (except this Saturday).